• Ethically Made Natural Tea Concentrates

    Ethically Made

    Natural Tea
    Concentrates & Iced Teas

  • Ethically Made Natural Tea Concentrates

    Ethically Made

    Natural Tea
    Concentrates & Iced Teas

MJF Beverages

MJF Beverages

Dilmah pioneered the concept of Single Origin Tea in 1988 against industry trends to declare its commitment to authenticity. Garden fresh, unblended tea is a hallmark of Dilmah and offers a unique taste of unblended Ceylon Tea packed at source.

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Our Products

Our Product Formats


TEA Concentrate

Unsweetened Tea Concentrate

Enjoy delicious & real tea concentrates & ready-to-drink iced teas made with 100% fresh tea from Dilmah’s Rilhena Estate, rich in antioxidants and natural goodness.

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Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing Process

Made from a process developed by Dilmah over 5 years; the MJF beverages facility on Dilmah’s Rilhena Estate produces tea concentrates & ready-to-drink iced teas from freshly harvested tea, in a substantially superior method that protects its natural taste and goodness.

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Quality Management System

Quality Management System

Possessing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management System Certifications, MJF Beverages operate under the most stringent quality guidelines that ensure the highest quality and most efficient production process, while using the freshest tea leaves in production at all times.

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